Noise Levels in Restaurants
According to Zagat, noise is the second most common complaint of restaurant goers second only to poor service. Many restaurateurs say their success is determined by music and vibe. Is there a happy medium? You can find information about the problems on the archived version ont the one hour program of Food News and Views at
Take a restaurant noise survey on Look for this logo on the site.

Adele Sandberg, founder of earpeace foundation and Dr. Sherilyn Adler, Executive Director of earpeace foundation
Download a decibel meter on your smart phone to test the noise levels in the restaurants you frequent.
iOS-based Apps
SPL Meter
Android-based Apps
SPL Meter from AudioControl
decibel Pro from BSB Mobile Solutions
db Sound Meter from Darren Gates
Noise Meter from JINASYS
For special ear plugs that lower decibel level go to